Shining Light

Shining Light in the Darkness

We provide sight-restoring surgeries to over 93,000 people annually in
some of the most desperate districts in India.

Restoring Sight For The Underprivileged

Low-income states like Bihar in India have a particularly high concentration of visually handicapped people.

Bihar alone has over 4.3 million visually impaired, and 700,000 blind people. Blindness intensifies the social
vulnerability and helplessness of these people. The impact of poor vision is compounded when living in poverty, with
weak infrastructure and high illiteracy. A majority of people cannot afford treatment and cannot reach the eye care
facilities, which are sparsely distributed in the state.

Therefore Akhand Jyoti:


Reaches out to the most


Targets and prioritises patients
who are blind (i.e. both their eyes
have insufficient vision).


Aims to cover the remotest parts
of Bihar to find the blind.

Our Other Impacts
Unique Outreach Programs

We reach out to the remotest villages to identify the needy patients for eye care interventions.

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Quality Eye Care Treatment
in The Rural Heartland

We have set up the first comprehensive eye hospital in rural India.

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There is no better way to thank God for your sight than by giving a helping hand to someone in the dark

Helen Keller
Stories That Inspire
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